Dogwood Fiber Trail
April 4 – 13, 2025
Mark your calendars now to join seven of Virginia’s premier yarn shops for nine days of fabulous fiber fun. Each unique shop is planning special events, trunk shows, demonstrations, kits, and displays to inspire and nurture your passion. There will be a virtual kick-off party on Thursday, April 3. Pick up a trail guide and visit each shop to qualify for a grand prize.
Subscribe to the Dogwood Fiber Trail newsletter to be kept up to date on all activities and visit the Dogwood Fiber Trail website ( for links to all seven shops’ websites for information on special events. The Instagram account is @dogwoodfibertrail. The Trail’s email address is
We encourage you to make your fiber trail more than a one or two-day road trip. Take several days with friends to explore seven diverse metropolitan areas with major attractions, historic landmarks, natural environs, and gastronomic experiences.
The following shops look forward to seeing you on the Dogwood Fiber Trail:
Baa Baa Sheep - Norfolk, VA
Center of the Yarniverse - Ashland, VA
Dances With Wool - Midlothian, VA
Finnegan's Run - Fredericksburg, VA
Magpie Knits - Charlottesville, VA
The Village Knittery - Newport News, VA
Yarn Matters - Williamsburg, VA